Latin America Program

People in need supports HRDs acting in contexts of civic and political space closure through the following programs: 


  • Program Managment  
  • Leadership  
  • Political communication  
  • Conflict resolution  
  • Nonviolent actions  
  • Democratic transition 


  • Grants and fellows  
  • CSOs Networking 
  • International Experts mentorship 

Media development 

  • Matrix for needs assessment  
  • Strategy development  
  • Collaborative journalism 
  • Media Regional networking 

Institutional Support 

  • Articles 
  • Investigations 
  • Fact checking 
  • Disinformation 
  • Brand strategy 
  • Communication tools 
    • Video production 
    • Podcast and radio 
    • Social media 
  • Campaign development 
  • Advocacy training  
  • Emergency  
    • Relocation  
    • Safe house rent  
    • Food and transportation  
    • Equipment  
  • Mental health and psychosocial support  
    • Psychological training  
    •  Support sessions 
      • Face-to-face/Virtual.  
      • Group/Individual.  
    • Material Production for psychosocial support 
      • Psychological first aid manual  
      • Regional Investigation and research  
  • Legal Assistance  
    • Legal registration CSO 
    • Individual counseling  
  • Holistic Security 
    • Physical  
    • Digital  
    • Psychosocial